Mt Daisetsuzan


Putting on his armours

So many things to put on...

Partially frozen river

on the way up 1

on the way up 2

on the way up 3

Walking around

Following the path

Kelvin and i


Scenery 2

Trying to get the tractor to work

Testing the depth of the snow

Ladies and gentlemen, watch ur steps!


One word.. Cold...

Keep up children!



Very cold...

Goes higher up

Couldn't go up..


Red nose ladies

Got cha!

Spastic smiles!

Any further.. Down the mountain you go...

Trying to get it to work...

Thick with snow..

Fell into a whole.. Her scream was resounding..

Heading back

Snowy trees

Back to the house

Snow getting heavier

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Look what i found!

Vroom vroom.. My dream car


Clearing path, they stole my car..

King of the mountain

Siok ahhhhh!

Woohoo! Look around!

Going to the roof top

Looking over

I hav no idea where we are on this map

The furtherest we can see behind the building...

My nose is about to drop!

Slipping in and out of death

The only refuge against the cold wind was behind the wall.. Haha

Suiting me up

Speed Racer



No hands!

Ghost hse

You go Auntie Margaret!

Warmth needed!


Hot drink in a cold weather.. Siok ah!

Brain freeze!

Brain dead...

Going the distance